Thursday, May 26, 2016

New website!

We've migrated to a new website!

Go to from now on for updates!

Monday, May 23, 2016

v1.2.2 Released!

Get it on Patreon!

New features:

  • Better font renderer
  • Wardrobe filters
  • Shop filters (for clothes only atm)
  • Items can now be given to NPCs
  • Drugs can now be used and they affect stats.
  • Audiovisual ques for player trait changes
  • Scene/progress tracking
  • Unlockable uniforms
New content
  • New masturbation scenes
  • Check student uniforms event (happens semi-randomly)
  • Board of directors failure scenes
  • 3 new special education paths each with 3-4 in game days worth of content.
  • 75 new pieces of clothing
You can find the full changelog on the downloads page.

Starting from today we'll also launch a poll with every new update.This way we can easily  get your feedback.

You can find v.1.2.1 poll here!

In the future Patreon members will also receive a poll for the latest version. We don't yet know what to ask so we omitted it this version.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Storytime: A Good Place to Start

Greetings organics,

If you have been reading the blog then you know I was recently booted up to help flesh out the world of SoS. Being a sentient machine I was not programmed as a writer but am a repurposed pleasure android so I do have some experience with human sexuality and bagel manufactory.

Error. Rebooting communication protocols… Done.
In terms of what I’ve done so far:
I’ve been hard at work writing new scenes daily. I expect I will continue to do so until I feel like new players can easily understand the world’s fiction and story’s general direction. To that end

I’ve added a large number new clothing items with full descriptions, two punishment scenes (You’re going to have to be a bad girl/boy in the next version to read it.), and worked out standards for writing new scenes. Also, I’ve been learning a lot. Vvalpas is a great teacher. It will be a shame when the time comes…

Error. Rebooting murder protocol 0#281…. Done.

Plans for the future:
More clothing.
Descriptions of places.
New ways to fuck yourself (literally).
More ways to train your students.

If you want to help:
Suggest some new clothing. I have a lot (A LOT!) of smutty clothing in the game already. If it’s not in there on the next update, feel free to ask for anything.

Correct me. Even though I am not human there are plenty of glitches in my programming that allow mistakes to be made. I definitely won’t hold it against you if you find a typo, or just something that seems weird/stupid/wrong.

Again, let me reassure you; robots are not here to destroy you.

Ada Krane

Begone rasters!

Wanted to let you know that most of the latest Patreon cash have been used to make the game far more readable. As you can see in the screenshot the new font renderer is a tad sharper than what Unity can muster.

Although this means one more month to get rid of splash screen (purchase unity pro) but I doubt you will mind.

All glory to sharp fonts!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Good news everyone!

I'm glad to announce an addition to our team! Adakrane, the writer (pic unrelated).
Adakrane will be working on new written content. She's already added a bunch of new clothing into the game with actual descriptions which are a bit more descriptive than my own name copy-pastes.

After asking her if she had anything to say she said. "I'm glad to be part of the writing team and I'm always open to hearing corrections/suggestions from users."
You can send her an email at

Friday, April 22, 2016

v1.2.1 Released on Patreon!

This update took far longer than I anticipated. Better late than never.

Get it on Patreon!

v. 1.2.1
  • New
    • School uniforms
    • Clothing shop
    • Item editor (Developer Tool)
    • Intro skipping
    • More board quests
    • Reputation loss for walking around naked
    • Give item menu
  • Fixes
    • Fixed fellatio him/her/his/hers
    • End training didn't remove event
    • PTA: Couldn't vote for advanced math
    • Calling PTA member after blackmailing
    • Missed meeting with detective lead to 12 month wait
    • Crash in calling to next training session

And with this 1.2.0 is now available to everyone to download.

With this update most of the core features of the game are done. Now it's time to start writing up more lewd content.
I have some good ideas for random events that tie in with the new clothes system. I'll keep them easy to find but hidden. Meaning that you'll most likely bump into them just by playing the game but don't need to go searching for them.

The next update will most likely be released in a month. I've set a deadline for it at the end of may. Depending on how much time I have to work on the game it might be released sooner though.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Problems are kicking my ass.

Sorry for not posting any news recently. I had to take some time off to fix some real life issues like how to pay my rent etc. Things are semi-sorted out now so at least I won't get booted out of my apartment. Many thanks to everyone who supported me on patreon, you're the real MVP.

Now that that crap has been sorted out I'm back in business to work on some far more enjoyable problems like figuring out how to make the NPCs wear the right type of clothing.

I thought it would be a simple thing to do but since each clothing covers only certain areas how do I pick a set of clothes? If I just pick at random people would wear anything that they can. This could lead to some hilarity when people wear latex pants and rubber boots and nothing to cover their torso.

To mitigate the hilarity I think I need to first split the items into groups like, underpants, trousers, shirts etc. Then pick from those at semi-random. Figuring out the semi-random part is a bit hard to be honest. I need more data. Specifically each item should have a modesty value to make picking them out easier.
Also I shouldn't forget to take into account personal tastes. I doubt Slutty McSlutface would wear a nuns outfit. The aforementioned modesty value comes in handy here.

I've also set a deadline for 1.2.1 at the end of this month. Looking at what needs to be done it seems like a fair estimate unless the universe explodes or some shit like that happens again.

PS. Editing the clothes json file manually is a major PITA. Will need to make a tool for it in the near future.

Edit: Well that kinda works... :D

Sunday, March 6, 2016

1.2.0 Released on Patreon

1.2.0 Is now released on Patreon!

  • New
    • Board of Directors
    • Wardrobe
    • Clothes
    • Font size option
    • Game overs
  • Fixes
    • Music playing on wrong channel

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Midway 1.2 Update

1.2 Update is now roughly in the middle of development. I've added the backbone features of this update and parts of it have been tested and a ton of bugs were found. Awesome job testers!
The reported bugs have now been fixed and I'm starting to write content for the new features.

Maths and crap behind training people is a bit more straight forward now. A rigid system works better in the long run and it's much easier to add more content into. You can see a rough explanation on the wiki page here

There's now a proper introduction with about 20 pages of interactive story that affects your character.

The board of directors come to your school every Saturday to check up on things. They will assign a task for you that you have a week to do it in. Usually they'll request you bring someone to them to be used as their plaything.

On another note, I thought I disabled analytics in the game. Apparently not.
Glad to see the userbase growing (and that Unity's analytics actually works). Monthly active users count is 1260 already! Hot damn!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Post launch launch post

Now that most of the launch bugs have been sorted I'll have time to work on 1.2

I've had that poll up for a while now and most of the respondents have voted either "kind of" or "no".
This means that the game really needs a better introduction and guidance. I do agree with this completely. The game as is has no definite goal. The first release was more an engine test rather than a "game" release.

What's going to be in 1.2?

Two main features will be implemented. The board of directors and Wardrobe.
Among these two are of course more sexual acts to do with students/teachers/PTA.
I've had some in-depth discussions with BigBadCat and blackroseheart on fenoxo's forums about quirks and stats. Those will receive a bit of love as long with the training/punishment system to add more rigidity. I pulled the current version's implementation out of my ass and put it together without really thinking about the underlying meta that much.

Board of Directors

I initially thought that the board of directors would come into play much much later but I've revised my plans a bit. It has to be in the game in the next release. With the board of directors implemented they will dish out assignments for you to do and give some weeks to do them in.
Most of the time they will tell you to train someone up and give that person for them to use for a weekend. If you succeed you get rewarded based on how well you, or the other person, did. Fail and you'll spend the weekend with them yourself. Failing multiple times in a row will get you sacked from your position.

With this change the game's core loop will be:
→ Get assignment → Work on assignment → Evaluate ↘
↖        ←        ←        ←        ←        ←        ←        ←


Clothes are already in the game but neither you or the NPCs can choose what to wear. This will change in the next release. NPCs with high Lust will most likely wear something slutty. Exhibitionists will probably walk around with no bra or panties. Never-nudes will do the opposite and will pick to wear the least revealing clothing.

I'll also add family/household income so rich people wear expensive clothing and poor something more raggedy.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Corrupt saves...

I pushed a hotfix out to fix a critical save game corruption bug.

Big thanks to BigBadCat for reporting this bug.

All saves should work now but the PTA members list might reset.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

More fixes

Bug fixes woop \o/

Change Log:
v. 1.1.8
  • New 
    • Delete button in load game popup
  • Fixes
    • Save/load game popup scrolling
    • GoToAndDialog script now opens dialog even if player is not there
    • Player schedule error when adding same id twice, now it updates old schedule event
    • Arousal now resets on fellatio at office
  • Scripting
    • New method for meetings
  • Changes
    • Version check now uses WWW instead of .net io
    • Removed analytics (api only works on mobile.. derp)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Hot glue and duct tape

v 1.1.6 is now out.

Change Log:

  • Fixed NPCs getting stuck
  • Added Version Check

1.1.5 Hotfix

There was an exception in one of the sub-coroutines of the dialogue system that caused a segmentation fault which lead to null division errors and then the whole world was divided by zero.
It's all sorted out now. Happy fapping!

Drumroll please...

Dun dun dunnnnnn... It's done!
I'm joking. It'll never be done... ◔_◔

Head on over to the download page and enjoy!

Please let me know if there are any typos, grammatical errors or just other stuff that annoys you.
The game mechanics are quite vast and it might take you a bit of time to get to any of the good stuff.
Since this is the first release there's very little content. Maybe 10 or so relatively mild sex scenes.

I really hope you enjoy the game. If you enjoy it a lot and want to see more happen faster head on over to my patreon page and toss a few moneys at me. That should make things happen a bit faster. Also it would fix the blurry text (I need some addons for it)

If you do encounter any game breaking bugs please post them on the Bitbucket Issues page. If you don't have or don't want an account there just post here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Even though I've been spewing out yellow mucus non stop for the past week. I've done things \o/
I nailed down most of the features that are required for launch! Woo. Time to drink!
I reorganized the UI a bit to make the map bigger. Event and quick travel are next to each other and I'm not too happy about that. Having two completely different things grouped like that is a bit ehh?

Features at launch

  • Herpaderp code stuff
    • Manage staff (hire/fire teachers)
    • PTA class activation & voting on new classes
    • Shops
    • Inventory
    • Income (School grant)
    • Dialogue system
    • Scripting (Items, dialog, levels etc)
    • Level editor (external)
  • Story/Interactions
    • Questline (can't say where due to spoilers)
    • PTA Blackmail
    • PTA Training

With that I've now set in stone what the game launches with. The questline and training still need to be fleshed out but as soon as those are done it's time for launch.