Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Midway 1.2 Update

1.2 Update is now roughly in the middle of development. I've added the backbone features of this update and parts of it have been tested and a ton of bugs were found. Awesome job testers!
The reported bugs have now been fixed and I'm starting to write content for the new features.

Maths and crap behind training people is a bit more straight forward now. A rigid system works better in the long run and it's much easier to add more content into. You can see a rough explanation on the wiki page here

There's now a proper introduction with about 20 pages of interactive story that affects your character.

The board of directors come to your school every Saturday to check up on things. They will assign a task for you that you have a week to do it in. Usually they'll request you bring someone to them to be used as their plaything.

On another note, I thought I disabled analytics in the game. Apparently not.
Glad to see the userbase growing (and that Unity's analytics actually works). Monthly active users count is 1260 already! Hot damn!