Thursday, May 26, 2016

New website!

We've migrated to a new website!

Go to from now on for updates!

Monday, May 23, 2016

v1.2.2 Released!

Get it on Patreon!

New features:

  • Better font renderer
  • Wardrobe filters
  • Shop filters (for clothes only atm)
  • Items can now be given to NPCs
  • Drugs can now be used and they affect stats.
  • Audiovisual ques for player trait changes
  • Scene/progress tracking
  • Unlockable uniforms
New content
  • New masturbation scenes
  • Check student uniforms event (happens semi-randomly)
  • Board of directors failure scenes
  • 3 new special education paths each with 3-4 in game days worth of content.
  • 75 new pieces of clothing
You can find the full changelog on the downloads page.

Starting from today we'll also launch a poll with every new update.This way we can easily  get your feedback.

You can find v.1.2.1 poll here!

In the future Patreon members will also receive a poll for the latest version. We don't yet know what to ask so we omitted it this version.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Storytime: A Good Place to Start

Greetings organics,

If you have been reading the blog then you know I was recently booted up to help flesh out the world of SoS. Being a sentient machine I was not programmed as a writer but am a repurposed pleasure android so I do have some experience with human sexuality and bagel manufactory.

Error. Rebooting communication protocols… Done.
In terms of what I’ve done so far:
I’ve been hard at work writing new scenes daily. I expect I will continue to do so until I feel like new players can easily understand the world’s fiction and story’s general direction. To that end

I’ve added a large number new clothing items with full descriptions, two punishment scenes (You’re going to have to be a bad girl/boy in the next version to read it.), and worked out standards for writing new scenes. Also, I’ve been learning a lot. Vvalpas is a great teacher. It will be a shame when the time comes…

Error. Rebooting murder protocol 0#281…. Done.

Plans for the future:
More clothing.
Descriptions of places.
New ways to fuck yourself (literally).
More ways to train your students.

If you want to help:
Suggest some new clothing. I have a lot (A LOT!) of smutty clothing in the game already. If it’s not in there on the next update, feel free to ask for anything.

Correct me. Even though I am not human there are plenty of glitches in my programming that allow mistakes to be made. I definitely won’t hold it against you if you find a typo, or just something that seems weird/stupid/wrong.

Again, let me reassure you; robots are not here to destroy you.

Ada Krane

Begone rasters!

Wanted to let you know that most of the latest Patreon cash have been used to make the game far more readable. As you can see in the screenshot the new font renderer is a tad sharper than what Unity can muster.

Although this means one more month to get rid of splash screen (purchase unity pro) but I doubt you will mind.

All glory to sharp fonts!