The dialogue editor has gone over a minor overhaul to make it more bearable to use. It still has a memory leak in it so save often since it will crash eventually. I'll track that bug down once I have more time on my hands.
I had to make some hotfixes and the current version is already at 0.2.8.
Locally I have 4 version categories, Major.Minor.Revision.Build but AIR doesn't support 4 which means that each update has to at least increase Revision number.
Any previous posts that tell what's going to be in any version aren't correct anymore.
I'll write posts on each Major and Minor version changes but won't bother with Revision changes.
Also you can now find the download link on the right side of the page.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
0.2.4 Bug fixes yay!
Download (Windows or Mac)
Get AIR (Required to launch!)
0.2.5 Should be a content update unless something breaks again.
- Added auto updates
- Fixed dialogue input
- Changed calendar event logic
- Added support for repeating events
- Added genders to config
- Added some debug functionality
- Fixed detective script bugs
Saturday, March 14, 2015
0.2.3 Is out!
About 0.2.3
We now have a dialogue editor! Wooooo!
You can find this editor in the start menu.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
0.2.2 Released
This update breaks save files of older versions!
I need to warn you that I'm not a great writer so the current sex scenes might seem a bit iffy. I'll work on my writing style and try to use less of You do this You do that sort of stuff. Practice makes perfect, right?
There's versioning in save files now so in the future if I need to change values saved in binary it shouldn't break older save files.
There's also new filtering functionality in the dialogue system allowing anyone to write dialogues for specific gender etc.
I'll keep adding more filters as needed.
If you're interested in writing content for the game send me an email at
I can explain how the dialogue system works in detail or write some sort of documentation for it on github for everyone to read. Right now I'm the only writer so I haven't bothered with it yet.
Anyways. Let's take a look into the future.
Short term goals (0.2.3):
Finalize tier 1 PTA meetings.
If you're wondering what tier means. Practically it's just a number of how many times you've met with a given person. It's a somewhat loose number since tier progression isn't linear but is controlled by the dialogues themselves. Mostly.
The PTA meetings are a top priority at the moment since PTA corruption is heavily dependent on that content.
Other content such as sexy times with the students is going to be added later but not in 0.2.3
Long term goals: (0.3.0)
New message queue.
The current message queue is just a glorified text print. I aim to add a filterable system so you can decide what's important and what isn't. Also it would allow you to click on the people involved to do something about it.
Not quite sure how it should work yet so it needs some thought.
Content for all of the current mechanics in play.
Calling people, asking them out. PTA corruption. School corruption. The latter is lacking a lot of content for now.
School uniforms are one thing I want to implement at some point but I'm thinking of scrapping the current art from the project. I'll do that anyways when I set up a patreon page for this. Can't get cash for someone else's work really. Also I don't have a clue what he copyright on the current artwork is. Haven't heard that the community made hentai school games have been sued yet so I guess I'm in the clear. For now.
So the school uniform decision would be text based until I can find an artist willing to draw a shitload of faces and clothing. Not forgetting bewbs. On that note I should add that the project will eventually have customizable characters where you pick each part separately instead of just a head.. which you can't even do yet.
Changes in 0.2.2:
- Added new filters to dialogues {male,hoopadoop} would only print out hoopadoop if person being talked to is male.
- Added PTA forced sex scene at home.
- Calendar now updates automatically.
- Removed more than 1 day waits since it would crash the UI library I'm working with.
Monday, March 2, 2015
0.2.1 Hotfix released!
Hotfix for a few bugs.
I also changed waiting to a dropdown menu instead of 3 separate buttons.
I also changed waiting to a dropdown menu instead of 3 separate buttons.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
0.2.0 Released
This version contains most of the features that are required to make the game function as a game.
More content to follow.
More content to follow.
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