Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dialog editor updated

The dialogue editor has gone over a minor overhaul to make it more bearable to use. It still has a memory leak in it so save often since it will crash eventually. I'll track that bug down once I have more time on my hands.

I had to make some hotfixes and the current version is already at 0.2.8.
Locally I have 4 version categories, Major.Minor.Revision.Build but AIR doesn't support 4 which means that each update has to at least increase Revision number.
Any previous posts that tell what's going to be in any version aren't correct anymore.
I'll write posts on each Major and Minor version changes but won't bother with Revision changes.

Also you can now find the download link on the right side of the page.


  1. there is a BUG with the latest download build sos_0.2.8.. It will not finish the updates... I think it might be that it can only update.... because I had no prob with it yesterday... but I tried it today and it would not download and install the 0.2.9 and the 0.2.10 version of the game...

  2. Please hit ctrl+shift+enter and see what the error is.
    You can download 0.2.10 manually here


  3. Okay I just copied and pasted everything to here for you to see what I get....

    [013] > instance1 : [object DConsole]
    [014] StateManager > entering [object UpdateAppState]
    [015] UpdateAppState > Update init
    [016] UpdateAppState > Checking for update
    [017] UpdateAppState > Update status: [StatusUpdateEvent (type=updateStatus available=true version=0.2.9 details=,
    [018] UpdateAppState > Added boob and dick sizes to configs
    [019] UpdateAppState > Added pta meet at school skeleton
    [020] UpdateAppState > Added outfits
    [021] UpdateAppState > versionLabel=0.2.9 )]
    [022] UpdateAppState > Download error [DownloadErrorEvent (type=downloadError text=Version mismatch id=16824 subErrorID=16827)]

  4. NOW something is wrong with the Detective... when you are submitting the name... the filler part is in the upper left hand corner and there is no exit button from the phone call....

    [035] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head83.png
    [036] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head88.png
    [037] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head95.png
    [038] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head3.png
    [039] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head14.png
    [040] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head83.png
    [041] Debug > Loading adult/Heads/F_Head69.png
    [042] StateManager > exiting [object ViewSchoolState]
    [043] StateManager > entering [object DowntownState]
    [044] Calendar > Added event 0 8 12 0 2015

  5. Should be fixed now. I forgot to change the old update xml file on amazon.

  6. Detective is working fine for me

  7. Okay... Now it is fixed... I redid the update and it fixed the detective

  8. Okay... I have an odd question now... How does one view the nude pictures one gets from the Detective?

    1. You can't right now since there's no graphic for them. This is something that'll change at some point (about 0.4 or 0.5).
      Just sell them for cash or keep one or two for upcoming blackmail content

  9. Replies
    1. Download Adobe AIR from
      Then download the latest version
      Run the latest.air package and let it install.
      It should launch after installing, if not, you can find School of Smut in your windows start menu.

  10. OmegaJack.... Just click on the Latest.Air ad let it open itself like an exe file... then when it is open... click on the School of Smut.exe

    1. that's the thing, the Air keeps saying it installed wrong. tried to use the run program and the save way and it didn't work...and what do you mean the exe?
      I'll try to redownload it to try again.

  11. what does "Unsupported compression method for "META-INF\AIR\hash'" means?
    Is hash important?

    1. Did you try and unzip the air file?.... also did you download latest.air

    2. yes I did and it still not reading it. ;_;

    3. What OS aee you running on?

  12. Okay... delete the school of smut folder... then just click on the latest.air that you downloaded... it will decompress itself.... again do not use unzip.... it then when is done... do not click on the game.swf... click on the school of smut.exe

    1. I can't find the school of smut.exe

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. im with this guy. open the .air, get the downloading prompt. (am changeing folder from c:\programs to d:\sos). get an error and no .exe, just the game.swf, mimetypes and 3 folders.

    4. Please download the new zip package instead. Unzip wherever.
      I changed how the update works so there's no need for air files anymore.

  13. So... anything else on this GAME yet?

  14. all I get is
    Context3D not available! Possible reasons: wrong wmode or missing device support.

    1. You need to launch the game via the school of smut.exe.
      Also make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements
