Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New lead developer & Bad news

Hello world. I'm the new lead developer of SoS.

I'm sorry to inform you but there won't be a  a v1.0 release, not with the current feature set that is. The reason is that the planned v1.0 doesn't have enough features to build stories with. The global event system has to be in the game before anything is possible.
So I'm pushing the release back by about a month so there's enough time to add these crucial features.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Last update before release.

SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT! (The head isn't actually in the game. I just shopped that in...)
Making the shops took a bit more time than I thought it would. There was a major bug in the twee parsing of nested ifs. That's just a long way of saying it didn't work.
It took a while but I figured out a better way to handle them and now things are working as they should. Right now you can't write "else if" statements but in my book that's a minor issue that won't be fixed any time soon since it doesn't really make a difference. It just requires a bit more work to handle those cases.

With the addition of shops v.1.0 is now officially feature complete!
You might be wondering "If the version is complete why not release it?"

I want to take some time to test things out and write some content. Writing content will bring out things that the engine currently lacks. Usually they're minor things such as checking if a class is in progress or if the shops are open etc. Without the possibility to check for these things it's nearly impossible to make any kind of progressive story telling. So in short I need to come up with stories and then implement supplemental features for them. To be honest, coming up with the stories is the hard part right now.

Which leads me to ask, are you interested in writing for this game? If so leave a comment here. I'd love to have someone come up with stories and plot lines. That way I'd have external pressure to keep adding more features and another mind (preferably dirty one ふふふふ) to bounce ideas back and forth with.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Twine is here!

If you're wondering what the hell is twine. The answer is simple. It's one of the best if not the best interactive story writing tool.

Twine has the capability to export your story to a file format called twee.
Figuring out a parser for the twee file was an easy process. Getting it to work with lua was, to my surprise, very easy thanks to MoonSharp, a native lua interpreter for C#.

With the new toolset creating stories for SoS should be fairly straight forward.
First you create a new story in twine.

Then export it to a twee file.
And then you get this

Right now there's no easy way to add new stories in the game yet. I need to think of a natural method for that. Maybe a list of actions you can do to any person that lead to twine stories. Don't know yet.

Anyhow. That concludes today's progress report. On trello there's only one thing left. Shops. Then the majority of the game should be done. The rest is just more stories and things to fap to.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Progress report

The 1.0v release is pretty much on schedule. Launch date is still the 30th of September.
If you take a look at the trello board you can see that most of the v1.0 features are done. The tasks that are still in the todo list are one of the biggest ones.
Twine integration is going to be a major task. I've looked into UnityTwine but since it generates script files in the editor it's a no go. I need to have the twee files parsed when the game is running, not when it's open in Unity Editor.
This means that I'll need to write my own parser and runtime logic. It's going to take at least a week to complete. I'll probably look at UnityTwine to get some ideas of how they've done things and then make mine better.

Things are looking good. Might need an option to toggle people came/left messages. Seems a bit spammy.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Better late than never!

Hiya all! It's been a while... I've been quite busy lately so I haven't really had time to write up anything on the blog until now.

As you might have already heard. I've switched from Flash to Unity and started a complete rewrite of the game.
If you're wondering why. There are a couple major reasons. There aren't any great UI frameworks for flash. There are some that work really well and are fast but are a major pain in the ass to work with. Also flash is a bit.. slow. But that's me externalizing my own faults to be honest. The main reason is that the game's source has become hairy (technical term. It means it's shit).
So a complete rewrite of the game was in order and that has been going on for a while now.

I've setup a Trello board for SoS so it'll be easier for me to keep track of features that still need to go in the game. It's a public board so everyone can see where the game is and where it needs to go.
You can find it here.
The features on the left side in the v1.0 todo list should be done this month. I've set a "release" date on the 30th. At that stage the game should have all the core features in it but not much else. From there on it'll be easy as pie to add in more content.

Here's what the game looks like at the moment.
Don't worry about the blue theme if  you don't like it. There will be many skins to select from.