Friday, April 22, 2016

v1.2.1 Released on Patreon!

This update took far longer than I anticipated. Better late than never.

Get it on Patreon!

v. 1.2.1
  • New
    • School uniforms
    • Clothing shop
    • Item editor (Developer Tool)
    • Intro skipping
    • More board quests
    • Reputation loss for walking around naked
    • Give item menu
  • Fixes
    • Fixed fellatio him/her/his/hers
    • End training didn't remove event
    • PTA: Couldn't vote for advanced math
    • Calling PTA member after blackmailing
    • Missed meeting with detective lead to 12 month wait
    • Crash in calling to next training session

And with this 1.2.0 is now available to everyone to download.

With this update most of the core features of the game are done. Now it's time to start writing up more lewd content.
I have some good ideas for random events that tie in with the new clothes system. I'll keep them easy to find but hidden. Meaning that you'll most likely bump into them just by playing the game but don't need to go searching for them.

The next update will most likely be released in a month. I've set a deadline for it at the end of may. Depending on how much time I have to work on the game it might be released sooner though.


  1. I would love to see for a way to covertly drug people/students like offering a person/student something to eat/drink you spiked with aphrodisiac maybe.
    No one would question you if you offer them some water or a small snack while discussing things with them (parents)/train them (students). It would be just seen as common courtesy.


    1. Also I found a bug (I think): Tried to train a new student after stopping training a student, but I could only tell them that I'm training someone already. (1 day after ending the original training)

    2. Update: The original student appeared but I can't train him (button does nothing).
      It seems the training function doesn't end properly

    3. Forgot to mention: I'm playing version 1.2.1

    4. Could you provide a save game file that's borked?
      You can find them in "%appdata%/../LocalLow/SneakyDick/School of Smut/saves"
      Just copy paste to Win+R prompt. Not sure where the files are on linux/osx.

    5. As per the covertly drugging people. That's on the works now that giving items works.

    6. I'll post the save in the Fenoxo forums, ok?

  2. I love this game. This game have good potential. The most important is student filter like all, male only or female only. May I request equipment window so make the player equip/un equip not from inventory. I hope PTA can be changed and teacher list change everyday, I'm only looking for male teacher. Add janitor, secretary, security officer, house keeper and more. Make body detail like height, muscle tone. I have so many requests. Are you open recruitment for developer team ? Thanks.

    1. Totally open if you know Unity & C#/lua

    2. It's too late for me to learn something like that. T_T
      Now I'm closely to my final studies.
      So, I need a shortcut, simple ways to learn it.
      Is there any app to make it simple ?

  3. Hey! Great game you've got started here! Looking forward to the future progress in it! I just thought I might let you know that there seems to be a small runtime script error. I'm not sure if you know about it or not so I'm just saying.

    The error happens immediately after you slap someone when they refuse to do what you tell them. It says something about attempting to call a nil value?

    Either way, this is coming along nicely! Keep up the good work!
