Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bugs bugs bugs... Not in code though.

After my family visit during Christmas I've yet again managed to get some bug into my system. I'll be out of commission for a day or two probably.
I did get some stuff done yesterday when I still felt normal enough to work.

New description for organs and clothing
I added some bare bones clothing stuff even though I was supposed to work on it in v1.2. I kinda had to since when I started writing organ (penis,vag,etc) description code it was easiest to add cloth coverage straight in there now. Ie, less work in the future.
A side effect of this is that everyone is wearing a fullbody transparent spandex suit as it covers nothing. I might change this prior to launch so everyone is naked.

I also hammered down some of the story aspects. Can't say much here without spoiling. Lets just say that the stories are about halfway there. Writing is really the slowest part of developing. I'm not a writer but I make do.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Testing ftw!

The testers brought up some minor issues with the game that I've remedied somewhat.
New region and 12 hour clock settings
You can now set a region and 12 hour clock in the options. Region could be used for localization but that probably won't happen. I already have a system in place to do it with but haven't bothered since all of the stories will most likely not be translated so having half of the game translated and the other half not would be weird.

Searching for people is easier with the new filters.
The search people popup also got a facelift and some extra goodies to help filter out people.

People list now has gender icons
Transgenders are still hidden (they appear as male or female) until you discover them.
Still no ETA on release.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Round two poll results

"MAKE ALL THE THINGS!" is pretty much what I can decipher from the poll results. I have a feeling that people voted more than once since the poll didn't require login, or robots messed up results.
The votes look a lot like random distribution to me.

At least some of the responds weren't robots. Afaik robots don't write futa, loli or crossdressing into the custom field.
Loli is something I'm not going to do. I know the game is completely fictional and all, but still it's a line I don't feel comfortable crossing.
Futa and crossdressing will most likely be in the game. Crossdressing at around v1.3 when clothing gets implemented.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

WTB Content aware fill for text

Sheesh. Writing is slow...
I finished one quest skeleton today and now I just need to write missing sex scenes for it.
Bloody hell I just noticed the time and I've been working for 14 hours straight!
Time to take a break and come back with a fresh mind.
Engine now supports stealing from people. It has a chance to fail based on the item being stolen (didn't test the failing part yet so it might blow up)
Items can also be linked to people so you can have "Photo of Herpaderp". They also fully work in scripts so you can check items that are specific to any person. Still needs an easy way to do sibling checks which would open up new venues for blackmail. There's nothing preventing doing that but writing a for loop for every check would get really tedious.

I also moved hard coded people generation to a json file so if there's a need to add your own special people for quests and such it's pretty straight forward to do.

I still need to fix some UI issues in the dialogue and write those 3 quests that I marked down on trello and we should be able to release.

If you want to become a tester or write content toss me an email at vvalpas68@gmail.com

Poll results for round one

Slave (someone else)4171.9%
Slave (you)1424.6%
Forced sex (on you)1526.3%
Forced sex (on someone else)3459.6%
Water sports2035.1%
I did this one a bit wrong since I changed the poll options on the fly. Everything below water sports have far less votes since they've only been there for half the time. So I can only take them as separate.

So let's take a look at the stats.
Not really surprising to see vanilla content being one of the things people look for. Not much else to say about this.
Ahh. The savory salt of the spanks. Looks like about half of the voters want to see BDSM type of content. I think I need to run another poll to gather information about what kind of tone should the writing be in. Harsh hardcore or more softer sweeter spanking.
Looks to me like the winner of this round is clearly slaves. Doesn't really surprise me since that's kinda what this game is all about. Good that we've connected with the right type of audience.
You being a slave is quite a bit lower than the other way around. Still... it's a thing people look for.
Bondage and exhibitionism are quite wanted content types. Awesome. I have just the thing in mind.
Voyeurism is quite a bit higher than I thought it would be. I'll keep that in mind when writing content.
Forced sex on you... Hmm... Soccer club full of guys making you their bitch? Coming riiight up.
The other way around has almost as many votes as slaves which is cool beans.
I'm not a fan of water sports type stuff but I'll keep this in mind.

Now the rest of the options haven't been on the poll from the beginning.
I need to take these as separate.

Looks like gay/straight content is to my surprise quite even. I thought it would be much more skewed towards straight content. This is a good thing since it helps me not worry about having males in the PTA for instance.
Blackmail, incest and hypnotism are all quite high. Odd that hypnotism is that high to be honest. I always thought it was a niche.
Transformation and other haven't received that many votes. There are few things in other which are duplicates of options. Only difference is that they're lowercase so google forms doesn't mark them as proper option votes.

Overall I have a good feeling about the results. The most wanted content types are pretty much inline with mine so I got that going for me which is nice.

I'll let the poll run another course and get around 100 responds on that one. It should provide me with similar results. If not I'll post about it.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Polls polls polls and a facelift

I gave the blog a facelift. Should be a bit more appealing to the eye.
Also now there's a proper poll with a custom input field for custom dirty things you might have in mind. If you've already voted on the previous crap polls please vote again. Sorry about this.
Now I'm finalizing some of the features that are still missing from the game engine like searching people (will allow detective to function) and then I'll add code so you can use items and script them yourselves if you want to. Item use will run scripts on a few levels.

  1. The item script itself
  2. If nothing happens and/or item is not used up
  3. On level level (hurrdurr)
  4. If no level script gobbles up the item then it just doesn't do anything.

This should allow people to make whatever they want. Locks and keys come to mind although there's no way to lock cells atm. (Note to self: revisit this at some point).
Only shops can be locked but that's on a higher level; programming wise.

I also tracked down a few bugs in the pathfinder and player/NPC AI.
The player/NPC AI are essentially the same but the player AI interrupts normal AI flow for user interaction. Like picking where to travel etc. While I was doing this I got an epiphany about how time progresses in the game. I had it set up so the game would tick forwards X amount of ingame seconds every second. With higher timescales the game felt jerky. So now two things happen when you "fast forward". The interval between ticks gets shortened (sometimes to 0ms) and the tickrates increase. This made the game feel much more fluid and it improved movement a lot since now there's no 1 second delay before the player starts moving which felt very unnatural. Win/win!

Overall the game is progressing nicely again and things seem to be shaping up pretty well. I added a new shopkeeper (detective) to the game without any issues. Now I just need to finish up with the detective dialogue and scripting. The place is called Wild Horses Private Investigator and it's run by a stern man. If you got that reference. Awesome indeed. If not... eeeh... Whatever.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Progress report

I managed to get something done. Yay for me \o/
Now you'll be able to create maps with tiled.
They look something like this:

Teachers teach and students learn. Shops work straight through the map files and shopkeepers are created automatically when a new shop is added.
Things are looking good.
Things that are missing atm are mostly UI stuff and content.
Anyways. Back to Fallout 4... If you don't hear from me after this I've died of dehydration or sleep deprivation.