Saturday, December 19, 2015

WTB Content aware fill for text

Sheesh. Writing is slow...
I finished one quest skeleton today and now I just need to write missing sex scenes for it.
Bloody hell I just noticed the time and I've been working for 14 hours straight!
Time to take a break and come back with a fresh mind.
Engine now supports stealing from people. It has a chance to fail based on the item being stolen (didn't test the failing part yet so it might blow up)
Items can also be linked to people so you can have "Photo of Herpaderp". They also fully work in scripts so you can check items that are specific to any person. Still needs an easy way to do sibling checks which would open up new venues for blackmail. There's nothing preventing doing that but writing a for loop for every check would get really tedious.

I also moved hard coded people generation to a json file so if there's a need to add your own special people for quests and such it's pretty straight forward to do.

I still need to fix some UI issues in the dialogue and write those 3 quests that I marked down on trello and we should be able to release.

If you want to become a tester or write content toss me an email at


  1. Sent an Email... asking if you want me to help with the game...

  2. I love the UI and colour palette.
    Are there going to be skill for stealing? And skills in general?

    1. Thanks. There's also a purple skin
      I might add more of them but haven't bothered yet.
      They're hard coded right now but I think I'll move them to json files at some point anyways so if anyone wants to skin it they could.

      There's no skill for stealing right now. Key items usually will have a 100% chance to steal.
      There are general skills though. Teachers teach skills to students so when there's a class for let's say fellatio they'd teach that skill. The game starts with the usual school stuff like math and literacy etc.
      Skill teaching is something that needs to be balanced. I've just kinda tossed some numbers out of my ass to figure out how many times something needs to be taught before the skill goes up by 1 point and how difficult it is to teach. It's not a high priority since the smut stuff is waaaay more interesting to the player.

    2. I like purple one =)
      Nice to know. I totally agree, that management is less important than smut.
